AI, Robots and Ethics Logo


One of the enduring concerns of moral philosophy is deciding who or what is deserving of ethical consideration. Although initially limited to "other men," the practice of ethics has developed in such a way that it continually challenges its own restrictions and comes to encompass what had been previously excluded individuals and groups--foreigners, women, animals, and even the environment. Currently, we stand on the verge of another, fundamental challenge to moral thinking. This challenge comes from the autonomous, intelligent machines of our own making, and it puts into question many deep-seated assumptions about who or what constitutes a moral subject. This seminar engages students in a critical examination of state-of-the-art thinking in technology and ethics. The course is primarily organized around the reading of seminal texts in the field in order to provide students with a survey of the relevant literature on this subject and the basic knowledge and skills to engage effectively in the debates concerning this new development in moral thinking.


Name: Dr. David J. Gunkel
Position: Distinguished Teaching Professor
Institution: Northern Illinois University (USA)


Because the course is taught in English and utilizes original source material written in the English language, it has the pre-requisite of English level B1 or above.

Method of Teaching

Course Objectives

Content - Students will acquire critical understanding of: Skills - Students will learn:

Learning Outcomes

Student evaluation will take place by way of one of two assessment options: 1) a written comprehensive examination or 2) an individual research paper of approximately 15 pages. Students will have the ability to select which assessment option works best for them and their program of study.