I have written and published nine monographs on the philosophy of technology, Internet studies, digital ethics, and AI/robot ethics. I have also edited three collections of essays. These twelve books have been published by leading academic publishers, like the MIT Press, Rowman & Littlefield, Routledge, Indiana University Press, Peter Lang, and Polity, and have won numerous awards and international recognitions.
I have written and published over eighty articles, book reviews, and book chapters in peer-reviewed scholarly journals and anthologies. These texts address a diverse and wide range of subjects in the philosophy of technology, digital ethics, and AI/robot ethics and have appeared in venues like Ethics and Information Technology, Critical Studies in Media Communication, and New Media and Society.
I have lectured on the philosophical aspects of the Internet, computer technology, digital media, and artificial intelligence/robotics at universities and to professional organization in the United States, Canada, Austria, United Kingdom, Brazil, and Poland. I have participated in panels and delivered award-winning scholarly papers and presentations at numerous conventions, conferences, and workshops.
The Medium of Truth: Media Studies in the Post-truth Era. Review of Communication 19(4), 2019: 309-323. PDF
Mind the Gap: Responsible Robotics and the Problem of Responsibility. Ethics and Information Technology. PDF
Remixology: An Axiology for the 21st Century and Beyond. Found Footage, 2018: 52-59. PDF
The Other Question: Can and Should Robots Have Rights. Ethics and Information Technology 20(2), 2018: 87–99. PDF
The Internet of Things: When Your Toaster and Self-Driving Car Start Talking About You Behind Your Back. Explorations in Media Ecology 16(2 & 3), 2017: 251-254. PDF
Remixology: A Remix(ed) Rhetoric for the 21st Century. Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric 7(2), 2017: 79-86. PDF
Comunicação e Inteligência Artificial: Novos Desafios e Oportunidades para a Pesquisa em Comunicação. Galáxia. Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Semiótica 34(1), 2017(re-print translation). PDF
Computational Interpersonal Communication: Communication Studies and Spoken Dialogue Systems. Communication +1 5(1), 2016. PDF
Response to "The Problem of the Question About Animal Ethics" by Michal Piekarski. (with Mark Coeckelbergh). Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29(4), 2016: pp. 717–721. PDFApocalypse Not, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Machine (with Bill Cripe). Kritikos 11. April-September 2014. HTML
Facing Animals: A Relational, Other-Oriented Approach to Moral Standing (with Mark Coeckelbergh). Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27(5). October 2014, pp. 715-733. PDF
Social Contract 2.0: Terms of Service Agreements and Political Theory. Journal of Media Critiques, Special Issue 2, Social Media & Network Society, pp. 145-167. PDF
A Vindication of the Rights of Machines. Philosophy & Technology 27(1). March 2014, pp. 113-132. PDF
Recombinant Thought: Slavoj Žižek and the Art and Science of the Mashup. International Journal of Žižek Studies 6(3). Winter 2012. PDF
Communication and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges for the 21st Century. Communication +1 1(1). August 2012. PDF
A Vindication of the Rights of Machines. The Proceedings of the AIBS/IACAP World Congress—Alan Turing Centenary. June 2012. PDF
What Does it Matter Who is Speaking? Authorship, Authority and the Mashup. Popular Music & Society. 35(1). February 2012, pp. 71-91. PDF
The Real Problem: Avatars, Metaphysics, and Online Social Interaction. New Media & Society 12(1), February 2010, pp. 127-141 PDF
Beyond Mediation: Thinking the Computer Otherwise. Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture 1(1), Summer 2009. PDF
Terra Nova 2.0—The New Worlds of MMORPGs. Critical Studies in Media Communication 26(2), June 2009, pp. 104-127 PDF
The Matrix Reconsidered: Thinking Through Binary Logic in Science Fiction and Social Reality. Information, Communication & Society 11(6), September 2008, pp. 816-830. PDF
iek and the Real Hegel. International Journal of iek Studies 2(2). Summer 2008. PDF
Rethinking the Digital Remix: Mash-ups and the Metaphysics of Sound Recording. Popular Music & Society 31(4), October 2008, pp. 489-510. PDF
Thinking Otherwise: Ethics, Technology and Other Subjects. Ethics and Information Technology 9(3), July 2007, pp. 165-177. PDF
Blind Faith: Baudrillard, Fidelity, and Recorded Sound. International Journal of Baudrillard Studies 4(2), July 2007. HTML
Why iek—Why Online? International Journal of iek Studies 1(1). Spring 2007. PDF
The Virtual Dialectic: Rethinking The Matrix and its Significance. Configurations 14(3), Winter 2006, pp. 193-215. PDF
The Machine Question: Ethics, Alterity, Technology. Explorations in Media Ecology 5(4). Winter 2006, pp. 259-278.
What's the Matter with Books? Configurations 11(3). Fall 2003, pp. 277-303. PDF
Virtual Alterity and the Reformatting of Ethics. Journal of Mass Media Ethics 18(3/4). Fall 2003, 28 pages. PDF
Second Thoughts: Toward a Critique of the Digital Divide. New Media & Society 5(4). December 2003, pp. 499-522. PDF
Hacking Cyberspace: An Introduction. JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 20(4). Fall 2000, pp. 797-823. PDF
We Are Borg: Cyborgs and the Subject of Communication. Communication Theory 10(3). August 2000, pp. 332-357. PDF
Rethinking Virtual Reality: Simulation and the Deconstruction of the Image. Critical Studies in Media Communication 17(1). March 2000, pp. 45-62. PDF
Lingua Ex Machina: Computer Mediated Communication & the Tower of Babel. Configurations 7(1). Winter 1999, pp. 61-89. PDF
The Rule of Metaphor: Prolegomena to Any Future Internet Regulation. The Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication 8(2). 1998, 12 pages. HTML
Escape Velocity: Exodus & Postmodernism. Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal 81(3-4) Fall/Winter 1998, pp. 437-459. PDF
Virtually Transcendent: Cyberculture and the Body. Journal of Mass Media Ethics 13(2). 1998, pp. 111-123. PDF
The Empire Strikes Back Again: The Cultural Politics of the Internet. Computers & Society 27(4). December 1997, pp. 18-21. PDF
Virtual Geographies: The New Worlds of Cyberspace. Critical Studies in Mass Communication 14(2). June 1997, pp. 123-137. PDF
Scary Monsters. International Studies in Philosophy 29(2). 1997, pp. 23-46. PDF
What's the Matter with Architecture? Reviews 3(2). Spring 1996, pp. 9-10.
Virtual Classroom: Adult Learners and the Space of Pedagogy. Lifelong Learning. San Diego: National University Research Institute, 1996.
Postmodernism and the End(s) of Philosophy. The End(s) of Postmodernism: The Formal Proceedings of the Northeast Missouri State University Conference on Postmodernism. Edited by Dennis Leavens. Kirksville: Northeast Missouri State University. April 1995.
Perspectives on Ethics of AI: Philosophy. In Markus D. Dubber, Frank Pasquale and Sunit Das (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI. Oxford University Press (in press).
The Rights of (Killer) Robots. In Steven C. Roach and Amy E. Eckert (Eds.) Ceding Humanity: The Ethical Challenges of 21st Century Warfare. SUNY Press (in press). PDF
Brain Computer Interface. In Michael Filimowicz and Veronika Tzankova (Eds.), Reimagning Communication: Mediation. Routledge (in press).
Robot Rights: Thinking the Unthinkable. In John-Stewart Gordon (Ed.), Smart Technologies and Fundamental Rights. Brill Press (in press).
The Right(s) Question: Can and Should Robots Have Rights. In Astrid Rosenthal-von der Pütten (Ed.), When Robots Think. Brill Press (in press).
The Killer App: Drones and Autonomous Machines. In Edward Downs (Ed.), The Dark Side of Media & Technology. Peter Lang, 2019 (pp. 274-285). PDF
Ars Ex Machina: Rethinking Responsibility in the Age of Creative Machines. In Andrea L. Guzman (Ed.), Human-Machine Communication: Rethinking Communication, Technology, and Ourselves. New York: Peter Lang, 2018 (pp.221-236). PDF
Remixology. In Jeffrey R. Di Leo (Ed.), Bloomsbury Handbook to Literary and Cultural Theory. New York: Bloomsbury, 2018 (pp. 661-662).
Communication Technology and Perception. In Patrick Lee Plaisance (Ed.), Ethics in Communication. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton, 2018 (pp. 451-468). PDF
Other Things: AI, Robots and Society. In Zizi Papacharissi (Ed.), A Networked Self: Human Augmentics, Artificial Intelligence, Sentience. London: Routledge, 2018 (pp. 51-68). PDF
The Machine Question: Can or Should Machines Have Rights? In Don Heider (Ed.), Ethics for a Digital Age, vol. 2. New York: Peter Lang, 2018 (pp. 167-178). PDF
The Relational Turn: Third Wave HCI and Phenomenology. In Michael Filimowicz and Veronika Tzankova (Eds.), New Directions in Third Wave Human-Computer Interaction: Volume 1 – Technologies. New York: Springer, 2018 (pp. 11-24). PDF
Can Machines Have Rights? In Anthony Prescott (Ed.), Living Machines: A Handbook of Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018 (592-597).
Deconstruction. In Eduardo Navas, Owen Gallagher and xtine burrough (Eds.), Keywords in Remix Studies. New York: Routledge, 2017 (115-124). PDF
O Sintoma da Ética ou: os Mecanismos da Filosofia Moral. In José Luiz Aidar Prado and Vinicius Prates (Eds.) Sintoma e Fantasia no Capitalismo Comunicacional. São Paulo: Estação das Letras e Cores, 2017 (pp. 35-58).
Critique of Digital Reason. In Amber Davisson & Aaron Hess (Eds.), Theorizing Digital Rhetoric. New York: Routledge, 2017 (pp. 19-31). PDF
A Vindication of the Rights of Machines. In Wendell Wallach and Peter Asaro (Eds.) Machine Ethics and Robot Ethics. New York: Routledge, 2017 (pp. 395-432).
Rage Against the Machine: Rethinking Education in the Face of Technological Unemployment. In Kevin LaGrandeur & James P. Hughes (Eds.), Surviving the Machine Age: Intelligent Technology and the Transformation of Human Work. Cham, CH: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 (pp. 147-162). PDF
The Other Question: Socialbots and the Question of Ethics. In Robert W. Gehl & M. Bakardjieva (Eds.), Socialbots and Their Friends: Digital Media and the Automation of Sociality. New York: Routledge, 2017 (pp. 230-248). PDF
Another Alterity: Rethinking Ethics in the Face of the Machine. In David J. Gunkel, Ciro Marcondes Filho and Dieter Mersch (Eds.), The Changing Face of Alterity: Communication, Technology and Other Subjects. London: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2016 (pp. 197-218). PDF
Responsible Machines: The Opportunities and Challenges of Artificial Autonomous Agents. In Raphael Foshay (Ed.). The Digital Nexus: Identity, Agency, and Political Engagement. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2016 (pp. 71-88). PDF
Paradigm Shift: Media Ethics in the Age of Intelligent Machines. In Paul Booth and Amber Davisson (Eds.), Controversies in Digital Ethics. New York: Bloomsbury, 2016 (pp. 233-247).
Resistance Is Futile: Cyborgs, Humanism, and the Borg. In Douglas Brode and Shea T. Brode (Eds), Star Trek Universe: Franchising the Final Frontier. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015 (pp. 87-98). PDF
The Rights of Machines—Caring for Robotic Care-Givers. In Simon van Rysewyk (Ed.), Machine Medical Ethics. New York: Springer, 2015 (pp. 151-166).
The Other Question: The Issue of Robot Rights. In Johanna Seibt, Raul Hakli and Marco Nørskov (Eds.), Social Robots and the Future of Social Relations. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2014 (pp.13-15).
Negotiating Cultural Difference in the Digital Communication Era: A Qualitative Pilot Study of Technology and Student Experience. In Garry Robson and Malgorzata Zachara (Eds.), Digital Diversities: Social Media and Intercultural Experience. Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2014 (pp. 120-143).
A Crisis of Representation. In Gustavo Said and Jacquelin Dourado (Eds.), O Delírio é um Desejo: Esaios e Fragmentos sobre os Protestos de Junho de 2013 no Brasil. Teresina: University Press of UFPI, 2014 (pp. 28-37).
Master Signifer. In Rex Butler (Ed.), Žižek Dictionary. Acumen Publishing, 2014 (pp. 190-193).
Toplumsal Sözlesme 2.0: Hizmet Kullanim Sartlari Anlasmalari ve Siyaset Teorisi. In Can Bilgili and Gülüm Sener (Eds.) Kültür, Kimlik, Siyaset. Istanbul, Turkey: Baski Mayis, 2013 (pp. 199-232).
Audible Transgression: Art and Aesthetics after the Mashup. In Ted Gournelos and David J. Gunkel (Eds.). Transgression 2.0: Digital Media and Cultural Studies. Continuum, 2011 (pp. 42-56). PDF
Source Material Everywhere [[G.]Lit/ch Remix]: A Conversation with Mark Amerika. In Ted Gournelos and David J. Gunkel (Eds.). Transgression 2.0: Digital Media and Cultural Studies. Continuum, 2011 (pp. 57-68)
To Tell the Truth: The Internet and Emergent Epistemological Challenges in Social Research. In Sharlene Hesse-Biber (Ed.) The Handbook of Emergent Technologies in Social Research. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011 (pp. 47-64).
Media. In Richard G. Smith (Ed.) The Baudrillard Dictionary. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2010 (pp. 121-124).
Camus: The Rebellious Spirit. In Clifford G. Christians and John C. Merrill (Eds.) Ethical Communication: Five Moral Stances in Human Dialogue. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2008. (pp. 74-80)
What's the Matter with Architecture II In Jonathan Hill (Ed.) Subject/Matter. New York: Routledge. Summer 2001. (pp. 73-90)
The Empire Strikes Back: The Cultural Politics of the Internet In Bosah Ebo (Ed.) CyberImperialism? Global Relations in the New Electronic Frontier. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2001. (pp. 83-91).
What's the Matter with Architecture? (Hypertext version). In Ben Nicholson's Thinking the Unthinkable House CD-ROM. Chicago: Renaissance Society of the University of Chicago, 1997.
Preface to the Chinese Edition. Heidegger and the Media. (In press).
AI For Social Good. Contributor to an industry white paper from RE-WORK. 2018. PDF
Why Terms of Service Suck, and What We Can Do About It. Cybertalk #10, 2018. PDF
Preface to the Korean Edition. Of Remixology: Ethics and Aesthetics After Remix. Seoul, Korea: Postcard Press, 2018.
Editor’s Introduction to Special Section: Rethinking Art and Aesthetics in the Age of Creative Machines. Philosophy & Technology 30(3), September 2017, 263-265. PDF
Introduction to the Special Issue on Machine Communication. Communication +1 5(1), 2016. PDF
Introduction to the Special Issue on Machine Morality: The Machine as Moral Agent and Patient (with Joanna Bryson). Philosophy & Technology 27(1). March 2014, pp. 1-5.
These Drones Have a Mind of Their Own. MIT Press Blog. 10 December 2013. PDF
Review of Mark Coeckelbergh's Growing Moral Relations (Palgrave, 2012) Ethics & Information Technology 15(3). 2013, pp. 239-241.
Materials Science: A Response to Mark Amerika's "Remixing the I." English Language Notes 50(1). Summer 2012, pp. 239-243. PDF
New Media: A Remix of Mark Amerika’s remixthebook (video) http://www.remixthebook.com/new-media
Philosophical Remix - Guest Blogger. remixthebook, 20-27 September 2011.
How 'bout Them Apples? – A 19th Century Object Lesson for 21st Century Technology. In Media Res. 14 January 2011.
Failure To Launch. Times Higher Education. 29 April 2010. Off Piste.
A Clear and Present Danger: Statutes of Liberty. Times Higher Education. 11 February 2010. Cover Story. PDF
Freedom Eclipsed by Danger. Times Higher Education. 3 September 2009. Cover Story. PDF
Ancient Incorporations. Review of Debra Hawhee's Bodily Arts: Rhetoric and Athletics in Ancient Greece. Review of Communication 8(4). October 2008, pp. 343-345. PDF
Framing Virtuality. Review of Anne Friedberg's The Virtual Window: From Alberti to Microsoft. American Book Review 29(3). March/April 2008, p. 20.
Editor's Introduction. Explorations in Media Ecology 5(4). Winter 2006. Special Edition on Ethics.
Digital Matters Review of Paul Taylor and Jan Harris's Digital Matters: The Theory and Culture of the Matrix. The Ellul Forum 37. Spring 2006, p. 12. PDF
Editorial: Introduction to Hacking and Hacktivism. New Media & Society 7(5). October 2005, pp. 595-597. PDF
New Media in Context. Review of Society Online (2004), Media Access (2004), and Memory Bytes (2004). Journalism and Mass Communication Educator 59(4). Winter 2005, pp. 416-19. PDF
Triumph of the Cybernetic Will. Review of Andrew L. Shapiro's The Control Revolution. American Book Review 21(3). March-April 2000, p. 16.
The Information of Virtual Reality. Review of Ken Hillis's Digital Sensations. Critical Studies in Media Communication 18(2), pp. 246-248.
How to Survive a Robot Invasion. University of Limerick. Limerick, Ireland. 1 November 2019.
The Right(s) Question: Can and Should Robots Have Rights. Center for Ethics in Society. Western Michigan University. Kalamazoo, Michigan. 23 October 2019.
AGI: Fact or Fiction? Panel discussion at the Malta A.I. and Blockchain Summit. Malta. 24 May 2019.
How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse. Keynote Address. Student Technology, Arts & Research Symposium (STARS). University of Illinois—Springfield. Springfield, Illinois. 17 April 2019.
The Relational Turn: Rethinking Ethics in the Face of the Robot. AIRoNoS2019—AI and Robotics Normative Spheres: Towards a Sustainable Society and Technology Symposium. Falmouth University. Falmouth, UK. 16-18 April 2019.
The Right(s) Question: Can and Should AI have Standing? Emerging Media Studies Conference and Workshop—Should Robots be Our Friends? Boston University. Boston, Massachusetts. 9-12 April 2019.
No Brainer: Why Consciousness is Neither a Necessary nor Sufficient Condition for AI Ethics. AAAI Spring Symposium Series—Towards Conscious AI Systems. Stanford University. Palo Alto, California 25-27 March 2019.
The Right(s) Question: Can and Should Robots have Rights? Illinois State University. Normal, Illinois. 28 February 2019.
The Right(s) Question: Can and Should Robots have Rights? Responsible Intelligent Systems (REINS Project)—Closing Conference. Utrecht, Netherlands. 11-13 February 2019.
Book Talk – Robot Rights. Founders Memorial Library. Lecture Series. Northern Illinois University. 6 February 2019.
Practical Next Steps Towards Ethical AI. Round table discussion at REWORK Deep Learning Summit. San Francisco. 25 January 2019.
The Right(s) Question: Can and Should Robots Have Rights? When Robots Think: Interdisciplinary Views on Intelligent Automation. Plenary address. Münster, Germany. 14-16 November 2018.
The Right(s) Question: Can and Should Robots Have Rights? RWTH Aachen University. 12 November 2018.
Other Things: AI, Robots and Society. Ideas and Methods: Media Philosophy, Cognitive Science and the Future of the Humanities. Keynote address. Beijing, China. 27-28 October 2018.
How To Survive the Robot Apocalypse. Morals and the Machine. Edinburgh Centre for Robotics, University of Edinburgh. 8 October 2018.
Humanizing AI and the Ethical Implications of Technology. Workshop at RE-WORK Deep Learning for Robotics Summit. San Francisco. 29 June 2018.
Where Does the Social Responsibility Lie in Human-Robot Interaction. Panel discussion at RE-WORK Deep Learning for Robotics Summit. San Francisco. 29 June 2018.
How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse. Faculty Summer Institute. University of Illinois. 17 May 2018.
How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse. Media Ethics Initiative. Moody College of Communication at University of Texas, Austin. 3 April 2018.
Mind the Gap: Big Data, Algorithms, and the Crisis of Responsibility. Association for Practical and Professional Ethics. Chicago, Illinois. 2 March 2018.
Moral Status of Robots. Presentation at Robophilosophy: Envisioning Robots in Society—Politics, Power, and Public Space. University of Vienna. Austria. 15 February 2018.
Digital Divide 2.0, Or the Robot Rift. Presentation at Robophilosophy: Envisioning Robots in Society—Politics, Power, and Public Space. University of Vienna. Austria. 15 February 2018.
Robots: The Next New Media. Presentation at the National Communication Association convention. Dallas, TX. 14 November 2017.
Ars Ex Machina: Rethinking Responsibility in the Age of Creative Machines. International Conference of Strategic Research in Social Science and Education. Antalya, Turkey. 14 October 2017.
Computational Interpersonal Communication: Communication Studies and Spoken Dialogue Systems. Paper presented at the Human Machine Communication pre-conference workshop, International Communication Association. San Diego, CA. 25 May 2017.
Rage Against the Machine: Rethinking Education in the Face of Technological Unemployment. Fifth Annual Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies: Law, Policy & Ethics. Arizona State University. Phoenix, Arizona. 18 May 2017.
How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse. Pennsylvania State University. 29 November 2016.
Author Meets Critic: David Gunkel’s Ethics of Remix. Presentation and roundtable discussion at the National Communication Association convention. Philadelphia, PA. 11 November 2016.
Computational Interpersonal Communication: Communication Studies and Spoken Dialogue Systems. Presentation at the National Communication Association convention. Philadelphia, PA. 13 November 2016.
How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse. University of Vienna. Vienna, Austria. 24 October 2016.
The Other Problem: Can and Should Social Robots have Rights? Robophilosophy: What Can and Should Social Robots Do. Plenary Session. Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 21-24 October 2016.
Other Problems: Rethinking Ethics in the Face of Autonomous Machines. From Algorithmic States to Algorithmic Brains. National University of Ireland. Galway, Ireland. 22-23 September 2016.
How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse [Como sobreviver ao apocalipse robô]. Universidade Federal do Piauí. Teresina, Brazil. 21 June 2016.
Shifting Perspectives: Distance Education and the Future of the University [Mudando Perspectivas: Educação a Distância e o Futuro da Universidade]. I Simpósio Internacional de Comunicação, Educação e Tecnologias. Universidade Federal do Piauí. Teresina, Brazil. 15-17 June 2016.
How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse. University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA. 8 April 2016.
Social Contract 2.0: The Political Economy of Facebook. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Torun, Poland. 13 January 2016.
AI, Robots and Ethics. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. Warsaw, Poland. 11-15 January 2016.
Environmental Ethics. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. Warsaw, Poland. 4-8 January 2016.
The Machine Question: Can or Should Machines Have Rights? 5th Annual Symposium on Digital Ethics and Policy. Loyola University-Chicago. Chicago, IL. 6 November 2015.
Machinic Others: Opportunities and Challenges for Communication. Presentation at the Bluesky Workshop on Human-Machine Communication. International Communication Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 24 May 2015.
Of Remixology: Rethinking the Digital Remix. Invited lecture at DePaul University. Chicago, IL. 18 May 2015.
Indeterminate Others: The Changing Face of Alterity. Invited lecture at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste. Zürich, Switzerland. 8 January 2015.
The Other Question: The Changing Face of Alterity. Keynote address at III Encontro Nacional da Rede de Grupos de Pesquisa em Comunicação. UNISINO. São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 5 December 2014.
Paradigm Shift: Communication Studies in the Era of the Algorithm. National Communication Association annual convention. 20 November 2014.
Apocalypse Not: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Machine. Inaugural Lecture for the Graduate Program in Social Sciences and Media Studies. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brazil. 12 September 2014.
The Changing Face of Alterity. International Research Meeting on Alterity and Communication in the Digital Age. São Paulo University, São Paulo, Brazil. 2-7 September 2014.
The Other Question: Rethinking the Issue of Robot Rights. RoboPhilosophy: Sociable Robots and the Future of Social Relations. Plenary Session. Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 20-23 August 2014.
Negotiating Cultural Difference in the Digital Communication Era: A Pilot Study of International Student Experience in the U.S. and Poland. Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America (PIASA) World Congress, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland. 20-23 June 2014.
The Rights of Machines—Caring for Robotic Care-Givers. Paper delivered at the AISB 2014 Convention (Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behavior). Goldsmiths, University of London, London, UK. 3 April 2014.
DIY Revolution! A Manifesto for Open Access Publishing in the Humanities. Paper presented at the Modern Language Association annual convention. Chicago, Illinois. 10 January 2014. PDF
Social Contract 2.0: Terms of Service Agreements and Political Theory. Keynote address at Encontro Nacional da Rede de Grupos de Pesquisa em Comunicação [The National Meeting of the Network of Research Groups in Communication]. Natal, Brazil. 20 November 2013.
Responsible Machines: A Transformation in the Subject of Communication. Invited lecture and presentation to the faculty and students of the Instytut Sztuk Audiowizualnych, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow, Poland. 18 October 2013.
Responsible Machines: A Transformation in Digital Ethics. Invited presentation at the Third Annual International Symposium on Digital Ethics. Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois. 4 October 2013. Video
Negotiating Cultural Differences in the Digital Communication Era. Plenary presentation at the International Symposium Negotiating Cultural Differences in the Digital Communication Era. Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow, Poland. 2-3 October 2013.
Apocalypse Not. Or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Machine. Cultural Studies Association. 24 May 2013. Chicago, Illinois.
Can Machines Have Rights? First Annual Conference on the Governance of Emerging Technology: Law, Policy and Ethics. 20-21 May 2013. Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law. Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ. PDF
Response-Able Machines: Opportunities & Challenges of Artificial Autonomous Agents. Invited plenary address delivered at the Identity, Agency, and the Digital Nexus symposium, Athabasca University. 6 April 2013. Edmonton, Canada.
Citizen Robot: A Vindication of the Rights of Machines. Invited presentation to the Columbia College Cultural Studies Colloquium. 27 February 2013. Chicago, Illinois.
Social Media and Ethics: The Real Problem with Online Relationships. Invited presentation to the NIU College of Business BELIEF (Building Ethical Leaders Using an Integrated Ethics Framework) Faculty Development Program. 22 February 2013.
Communication in the Age of Intelligent Machines. Invited inaugural address delivered to the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação. 22 November 2012. Universidade Federal do Piaui, Teresina, Brazil.
Paradigm Shifts: Rethinking Communication for the 21st Century. Invited plenary address delivered at the I Encontro Nacional da Rede de Grupos de Pesquisa em Comunicação (First National Meeting of the Network of Communication Research Groups). 25 November 2012. University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Video
Communication and AI: Opportunities and Challenges for the 21st Century. Presentation to the faculty and graduate students of the Department of Communication at Northern Illinois University. DeKalb, Illinois 8 November 2012.
A Vindication of the Rights of Machines. Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) and International Association of Computing and Philosophy (IACAP) World Congress. 2-6 July 2012. University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. PDF
Occupy Academia: IJZS and the DIY Revolution. Neo-liberal Perversions: Fantasy and Gaze in Contemporary Culture (Žižek Studies Conference). 28-29 April 2012. The College at Brockport (SUNY) Brockport, NY. PDF
Heidegger and Media. Neo-liberal Perversions: Fantasy and Gaze in Contemporary Culture (Žižek Studies Conference). 28-29 April 2012. The College at Brockport (SUNY) Brockport, NY. PDF
Philosophy of Technology. Lecture to graduate students in the Department of Communication, University of Illinois, Chicago. Chicago, Illinois. 15 March 2012Thinking Otherwise: The Matrix, Drugs and Technology. Invited lecture and presentation to the faculty and students of the Instytut Sztuk Audiowizualnych, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow, Poland. 13 January 2012.
The Real Problem: Avatars, User Identity, and Online Social Interaction. Invited lecture and presentation to the faculty and students of the Instytut Amerykanistyki i Studiow Polonijnych, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow, Poland. 10 January 2012. PDF
Thinking Otherwise: Philosophy, Technology and The Matrix. Invited lecture and presentation to the faculty and students of the Instytut Amerykanistyki i Studiow Polonijnych, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow, Poland. 15 November 2011.
Terra Nova 2.0: The New World of MMORPGs. Invited lecture and presentation to the faculty and students of the Instytut Amerykanistyki i Studiow Polonijnych, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow, Poland. 10 November 2011. PDF
Bastard Pop: Remix, Mashup and Cut-and-Paste Culture. Invited lecture and presentation to the faculty and students of the Instytut Amerykanistyki i Studiow Polonijnych, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow, Poland. 26 October 2011. PDF
DIY Revolution: Open Access and the International Journal of Žižek Studies. Invited keynote address to the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI), Open Access Forum. 14 September 2011. Video
Rethinking the Digital Remix: Mashups, New Media and Technology. Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered at Georgia State University. Atlanta, Georgia 16 March 2011.
The Real Problem: Technology, Alterity and Communication. Invited keynote address at "10 anos de Filocom: a Nova Teoria nos 44 anos de ECA" [10 years of Filocom: The New Theory on 44 years at ECA]. Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA) da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. 24 November 2010.
To Tell the Truth: Epistemology, Technology and Ethics. Paper and multimedia presentation delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. San Francisco, California 13-17 November 2010. Competitively Selected.
The Obscure Object of the Real: Simulation, Technology and the Realities of War. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association as part of the panel "Engaging Militainment, Inc." San Francisco, California 13-17 November 2010.
Paradigm Shifts: New Perspectives on Interactive Multimedia Journalism. Presentation delivered to the Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University. Evanston, Illinois, 5 April 2010. Invited.
Paradigm Shifts: Strategies for New Media Education. Presentation delivered to the College of Communication, Boston University. Boston, Massachusetts, 23 March 2010. Invited.
Unauthorized Reproductions: Audio Mashups and the Metaphysics of Originality. Paper and multimedia presentation delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Chicago, Illinois, 12-15 November 2009. Competitively Selected. Video
Audible Transgressions: Authors, Authority, and Popular Music. Paper and multimedia presentation delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Chicago, Illinois, 12-15 November 2009. Competitively Selected.
Terra Nova 2.0: New Worlds and New Frontiers. Paper and multimedia presentation delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Chicago, Illinois, 12-15 November 2009. Competitively Selected.
Education in the Cross Hairs: Academic Freedom in the United States. Paper presented as part of the public lecture "Losing the War of Academic Independence: Tales from the Trenches on Both Sides of the Atlantic." The Centre for Cultural Studies Research at the University of East London and the University of Notre Dame London Centre. London, UK, 23 October 2009. Invited.
The Real Problem: Avatars, Metaphysics and Online Social Interaction. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual convention as part of the panel "Keyword 'Play': Taking Computer Games and Game Play Seriously." Chicago, Illinois, 21-25 May 2009. Competatively Selected. Video
To Tell the Truth. Paper presented to the International Communication Association annual convention as part of the panel "Keyword 'Truth': Philosophy, Communication, and Technology." Chicago, Illinois, 21-25 May 2009. Competatively Selected.
Rethinking the Remix: Audio Mash-ups and the Metaphysics of Recording. Poster session presented at the International Communication Association annual convention. Chicago, Illinois, 21-25 May 2009. Awarded "Best Display." Video
Rethinking the Digital Remix: Mash-ups and the Metaphysics of Recording. Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered to the Columbia College Cultural Studies Colloquium. Chicago, Illinois, 12 March 2007.
Terra Nova 2.0—MMORPGs, New Worlds, and Ethics. Paper and multimedia presentation delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. San Diego, California 20-24 November 2008. Competitively Selected. Video
Rethinking the Digital Remix: Mash-ups and the Metaphysics of Recording. Paper and multimedia presentation delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. San Diego, California 20-24 November 2008. Competitively Selected. PDF
Leveling Up Game Studies, or Getting Real about Computer Gaming. Paper delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association as part of the pre-conference seminar "Leveling Up Game Studies: Thinking Beyond Conventional Wisdom." San Diego, California 20-24 November 2008.
Thinking Otherwise: Philosophy, Technology and The Matrix. Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered at Columbia College. Chicago, Illinois, 10 March 2007.
New Media Education: Strategies for 21st Century Educators and Students. Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered at Hamilton College. Clinton, New York, 4 February 2008.
Thinking Otherwise: Philosophy, Communication, Technology. Paper and multimedia presentation delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Chicago, Illinois, 15-18 November 2007. The presentation was part of a special session dedicated to the book Thinking Otherwise. PDF
Terra Nova 2.0: The New Worlds of MMORPGs. Paper and multimedia presentation delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Chicago, Illinois, 15-18 November 2007. The paper was part of the panel "Synthetic Worlds and Second Lives: Human Communication and Online Role Playing Games." Video
To Tell the Truth: Faith, Knowledge, Ethics. Paper and multimedia presentation delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Chicago, Illinois, 15-18 November 2007. Competitively Selected. PDF
A Matter of Truth. Paper and multimedia presentation delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Chicago, Illinois, 15-18 November 2007. Competitively Selected.
Thinking Otherwise: Philosophy, Technology and The Matrix. Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered at Columbia College. Chicago, Illinois, 6 November 2007. PDF
Thinking Otherwise: Philosophy, Technology and The Matrix. Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered at the University of Illinois-Champaign/Urbana. 23 October 2007.
Blind Faith: Baudrillard, Fidelity, and Recorded Sound. Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered at Columbia College Chicago. 8 March 2007. PDF
Popping Pills: New Media & The Rhetoric of Drugs. Paper delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. San Antonio, Texas, 16-19 November 2006. Competitively Selected. PDF
Thinking Otherwise: Philosophy, Technology & The Matrix Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered at Columbia College. Chicago, Illinois, 2 November 2006.
Blind Faith: Baudrillard, Fidelity, and Recorded Sound. Paper delivered at the Engaging Baudrillard conference. Swansea University, Wales, UK. 4-6 September 2006. Competitively selected. PDF
Machinic Others: Communication, Technology, and Ethics. Paper delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Boston, Massachusetts, 17-20 November 2005. Competatively selected.
The Machine Question: Ethics, Alterity, and Technology. Paper delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Boston, Massachusetts, 17-20 November 2005. Paper was awarded "top paper" by the Communication Ethics Division. PDF
Critique of Digital Reason: Toward a Method of Thinking Otherwise. Paper delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Boston, Massachusetts, 17-20 November 2005. Competatively selected. PDF
The Virtual Dialectic: Rethinking the Matrix and Its Significance. Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered at the University of Illinois-Champaign/Urbana. 7 November 2005. PDF
The Virtual Dialectic: Rethinking the Matrix and Its Significance. Paper delivered at the annual Midwest Popular Culture Association conference. St. Louis, Missouri. 14-16 October 2005.Interactive Education: Teaching the Next Generation of Communication Professionals. Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered at Quinnipiac University. 7 April 2005. PDF
The Virtual Dialectic: The Matrix, Technology & Ethics. Paper delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Chicago, Illinois, 11-14 November 2004. Paper was awarded "top paper" by the Communication Ethics Division.
The Machine Question: Ethics, Alterity & Technology. Paper delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Chicago, Illinois, 11-14 November 2004. Paper was competatively selected. PDF
On Drugs: The Matrix, Virtual Reality and the Rhetoric of Drugs. Paper delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Chicago, Illinois, 11-14 November 2004. Paper was competatively selected.
What's the Matter with Books? Paper delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Miami Beach, Florida, 20-23 November 2003. Paper was competatively selected. PDF
Virtual Alterity and the Reformatting of Ethics. Paper delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. Miami Beach, Florida, 20-23 November 2003. Paper was competitively selected. PDF
What's the Matter with Virtual Reality. Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered at the University of Illinois--Urbana/Champaign. 3 Novermber 2003.
Computer Literacy: What is it? How do we teach it? Multimedia presentation delivered to the Academic Computing Department, Columbia College. Chicago, Illinois 28 May 2003.
What's the Matter with Books? Paper delivered at the Midwestern Conference on Literature, Language & Media. Northern Illinois University. DeKalb, Illinois, 28-29 March 2003.
Second Thoughts: Toward a Critique of the Digital Divide. Paper delivered at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. New Orleans, Louisiana, 23-26 2002. Paper was competatively selected. PDF
Beyond Computing: Computers, Communication, and Education. Invited lecture and presentation delivered at the Center for Teaching Excellence/Center for Instructional Technology, Columbia College Chicago. 6 November 2002. PDF
VRE 4.2: Cyborgs, Posthumans, and Ethics. Presentation delivered to the Applied Ethics Colloquium and the International Conference on Virtual Reality and Communcation Ethics. 1 November 2002.
What's the Matter with Books? Invited lecture and presentation at the Center for Writing Studies, University of Illinois--Champaign/Urbana. 25 October 2002. PDF
What's the Matter with Images? Paper presented at the Midwest Popular Culture Association and Midwest American Culture Association Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 4-6 October 2002.
Computers and Communication. Paper presented at the Midwest Conference on Film, Language and Literature. Northern Illinois University, 7 April 2002.
Computers, Networks, and Communication. Invited lecture and presentation at the Rochester Institute of Technology. 12 December 2001.
Hacking Humanism. Paper presented at the Midwest Conference on Film, Language and Literature. Northern Illinois University, 25 March 2001. PDF
We Are Borg: Cyborgs and the Subject of Communication. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. 9 November 2000.
Veritatum Imitari: Simulation, Art & Virtual Reality. Paper presented at the School of Visual Arts, National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists. New York, New York , 18 October 2000.
Wirtualna Polska: Ethnic Diaspora, Telecommunications, and Virtual Community. Paper presented at the Polish Institute of the Arts and Sciences in America annual conference held in Krakow, Poland. 14 June 2000.
Ars Metaphorica: The Computer as Communication Device. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Broadcast Education Association. 15 April 2000. Paper won second place in the scholarly paper competition.
Hacking Cyberspace. Paper presented at the Midwest Conference on Film, Language and Literature. 1 April 2000.
Rethinking Virtual Reality: Simulation and the Deconstruction of the Image. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association. 5 November 1999.
Rethinking Virtual Reality: Simulation and the Deconstruction of the Image. Paper presented at the annual convention of the BEA (Broadcast Education Association). Won second place in the debute category in the juried paper competition. 15 April 1999.
CyberImperialism: Globalization vs. Americanization. Invited lecture presented at Salzburg College. Salzburg, Austria, 20 February 1999.
The Rule of Metaphor: First Amendment Issues on the Internet. Paper presented to the AEJMC (Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication) conference New Media & Free Speech: Challenges for the Future. University of South Florida, April 1998. Paper received top faculty paper award.
NIU Center for Telematics--An Overview. Presentation to GTE at Northern Illinois University. November 1997.
We are Borg: Cyborgs and the Subject of Communication. Paper presenter and chairperson for a panel at the annual convention of the National Communications Association. November 1997.
Virtual Incorporations: Cyberspace and the Body. Paper presented at the Technology & Ethics conference. Loyola University, June 1997.
Cyberspace and the Space of Fiction. Paper presenter and chairperson for a panel at the 22nd annual Conference on Film and Literature held at Florida State University. January 1997.
The Conflict of Metaphors: Contemporary Legal Issues and the Internet. Invited lecture delivered at Columbia College, Chicago. November 1996.
Lingua Ex Machina: Electric Language and the Tower of Babel. Paper presented at the DePaul University Conference, From Microchip to Mass Media: Culture and the Technological Age. May 1996.
The New Worlds of Cyberspace. Invited lecture delivered at Northern Illinois University. February 1996.
New Communication Technologies. Invited lecture delivered at Columbia College, Chicago, December 1995.
Virtual Geographies: Cyberspace and the Logic of Colonialism. Paper presented as part of the Burkhardt lecture series, Carthage College. November 1995.
Internet: Medicine or Poison? Invited lecture delivered at the University of Wisconsin, Parkside, October 1995.
The Material of Deconstruction. Invited lecture and seminar participant at the School of Architecture of the Illinois Institute of Technology. October 1995.
Encyclopedia and Information Spaces. Invited lecture and seminar participant conducted at the School of Art and Architecture of the University of Illinois, Chicago. September 1995.
Introduction to Cultural Studies. Lecture presented at the Carthage College Heritage Studies Faculty Development Seminar, August 1995.
History and Memory. Lecture concerning the interment of Japanese-Americans during World War II presented at the Carthage College Heritage Studies Faculty Development Seminar, August 1995.
The Cybernetic Weave: Writings on/about Cyberspace. Paper presenter and chairperson/organizer for a panel at the International Association of Philosophy and Literature conference at Villanova University, May 1995.
Colonizing Geographies: New Worlds from Columbus to Cyberspace. Paper presenter and chairperson/organizer for a panel at the Philosophy Interpretation Culture conference at Binghamton University, April 1995.
Cyberculture: Emerging Communications Technologies and the Postmodern World. Invited lecture delivered at Columbia College, Chicago. March 1995.
Postmodern Liberations. Paper presented at the Radical Philosophy Association conference, November 1994.
Hegel & the Economy of Death: Cryptic Sacrifice. Paper presenter and chairperson/organizer for a panel at the Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy annual conference, September, 1994.
Postmodernism and the End(s) of Philosophy. Paper presented at the Northeast Missouri State University conference, The End(s) of Postmodernism, September 1994.
Speaking Across the Curriculum. Lecture concerning the development of oral communications skills in the sciences and humanities presented at the Carthage College New Faculty Orientation Seminar, August 1994.
Reading Difference/Reading Differently. Lecture concerning multicultural education presented at the Carthage College Heritage Studies Faculty Development Seminar, August 1994.
Old Men and the Sea: Kant, Hegel & Nietzsche. Paper delivered at the DePaul University Nietzsche Conference, May 1994.
Demonstrations of the Monstrous. Lecture presented at the Carthage College Heritage Studies Faculty Development Seminar, August 1993.
Teen STEM Cafe: Is my Phone Spying on me? Sugar Grove Public Library. Sugar Grove, Illinois. 24 February 2019.
Challenges: Artificial Intelligence. People's University on Human Rights, Ohio County Public Library. Wheeling, West Virginia. 18 December 2018.
Why Facebook’s Terms of Service Suck and What We Can Do About It. NIU STEM Café. 15 May 2018.
Ars Ex Machina: Sex Robots and Love Machines. NIU Huskie Hack. 4 November 2017.
How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse. College Endowment Association. Milwaukee, WI. 1 November 2017.
How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse. NIU Huskie Hack. 5 November 2016.
Remix: Hacking the Past to Create the Future. NIU Huskie Hack. 5 November 2016.
How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse. NIU Stem. Illinois Math and Science Academy. 3 October 2016.
How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse. NIU STEM Café. 9 February 2016.
Remix, Mashup and Bastard Pop. Pop Culture Discussion Series. Geek Bar, Chicago, IL. 2 December 2015.
Remix, Mashup and Hacktivist Art. TED talk at NIU’s Huskie Hack. 26 September 2015.
How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse. TED talk at NIU’s Huskie Hack. 26 September 2015.
Pedagogical Reboot: Teaching How to Learn about Technology. NIU Presidential Teaching Professor Seminar. 30 March 2015. Video
The Killer Ap: Technology, Drones and Ethics. NIU New Ideas in Science: Controversies and Politics in Science, March 18, 2015.
The Killer Ap: Technology, Drones and Ethics. Invited presentation to STEM Cafe, Northern Illinois University STEM Outreach. 12 November 2013. PDF
Ender's Game. Panel discussion for Ender's Day at NIU – STEMfest Teen Read, Northern Illinois University STEM Outreach, 6 November 2013.
DIY Revolution: The Opportunities and Challenges of Open Access. Keynote address to the Northern Illinois University Open Access Week. DeKalb, Illinois. 22 October 2013.
Paradigm Shifts: A Revolution in Web Content and Communication. Invited presentation to the Suburban Chicago chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). 12 March 2013. Lombard, Illinois PDF
Writing Otherwise: Philosophy, Communication, Technology. Invited presentation to In Print, a professional writers organization in northern Illinois. 12 January 2013. Rockford, Illinois PDF
Hacking the Web. Workshop for high school students. "Day of Doctorow - STEMfest SF Teen Read" Northern Illinois University STEM Outreach. 9 February 2012.
Little Brother Panel Discussion. "Day of Doctorow - STEMfest SF Teen Read" Northern Illinois University STEM Outreach. 9 February 2012.
DIY Revolution: Open Access and the International Journal of Žižek Studies. Invited keynote address delivered to the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI), Open Access Forum. October 2011. Video
Embracing the Darkside: Plagiarism, Piracy, and Cut-and-Past Culture. Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered to the NIU New Ideas in English Conference. 2 February 2011. PDF
Cyberculture: Why the Internet is not Optional. NIU Notables Lecture. Institute for Lifelong Learning. 23 September 2009.
Education 2.0: Strategies for 21st Century Educators. Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered to the NIU Online Faculty Institute. LA&S External Programming. 29 February 2008. PDF
Web 2.0: Freedom of Expression, Credibility, and the Democratization of Information. Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered to the NIU New Ideas in History Conference. 22 October 2007.
Making Connections: Teaching Tips to Make Classes Relevant and Interesting. Invited lecture and multimedia presentation delivered to the annual NIU TA-Orientation meeting. 12 January 2007. PDF
Network Applications: Internet2, NIU, and Access Grid. Multimedia presentation at the NIU sponsored Internet 2 Day. Northern Illinois University. DeKalb, Illinois, 30 March 2006. PDF
Teaching the Debate: New Media, Popular Culture & Pedagogy. Multimedia presentation at Pop Culture and New Media: Promises and Perils, New Ideas in Communication and English Conference. Northern Illinios University, DeKalb, Illinois, 3 March 2006.